Thursday, July 31, 2008

Origins, Part Two

Reveal/Conceal started with the internal reflection I talked about in the previous blog entry...but it was honed after many collaborative discussions with fellow artists and friends.
  • A conversation I had with a friend about how he really wanted to reveal his true self, but because of “societal” constraints, could not.
  • Another exchange with someone who, once I explained the show, volunteered to be the subject of one of my portraits. I asked him how he would like me to paint him and he was flabbergasted. “You tell ME”, he said.
  • A brainstorming session, augmented with an extremely helpful bottle of red wine, where a fellow artist and I explored the possibilities and range of a show like this.
  • Many, many descriptions from people on how they might interpret the theme “Reveal/Conceal” in a self-portrait. The imagination and beauty of their descriptions helped me understand the potential depth and complexity of such a request.

As I had these discussions, it became patently obvious that each and every one of us is on a similar journey...albeit in different stages. I wanted representations for as many journeys as possible to be included in this show, not just those that I was able to represent in my paintings; thus, the idea of the photo submissions.

There are countless numbers of people I have talked to about this show who probably won’t submit a picture. BUT, I have no doubt that the sheer exercise of THINKING about what they would submit will be beneficial in their own personal journey. And, THAT, is the goal.

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