Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Reveal/Conceal Photo Submissions

The Reveal/Conceal exhibit really consists of two components. My paintings will be a big part of the show, of course, but I also intend to display all the photos submitted. I currently have almost 100 photos and my goal is to have at least 200.

So where am I getting these photos? Lots of you are sending them my way - thank you! I have also created a photo booth of sorts. I tried it out the for the first time in Washington, DC at Artomatic (a very, very cool art event where over 1000 artists participated and 50,000 people attended - check it out at I set up a white backdrop, facing the corner for a level of privacy, put the camera on a tripod, handed the subject(s) the remote and told them to take as many pictures as they liked. There was no feed back for them; they had no idea what the pictures looked like while they were taking the pics or after. I ended up with a fascinating glimpse into how these people saw themselves.

If you know of an event where I might set up the photo booth, please let me know!

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