Thursday, June 26, 2008


Let me introduce Revelations, my first completed painting for Reveal/Conceal. He's bigger than life - literally - at 6' x 8' and is oil on canvas. (The picture to the left is just a piece of the painting. If you want to see the whole thing, you'll have to come by the studio or attend the show in September. Not trying to be coy, I swear. Really.)

Rev (artist quirk= all of my paintings have to be named prior to my starting on them...names are chosen, for the most part, after considerable collaboration with the subject...then, as they progress, the names get shortened into nicknames...hence, Rev) started with a submitted photo. One of the first submissions, actually.

One look at the photograph and I KNEW he (another artist quirk= all of my paintings are "he"s) would be a painting and he would be a BIG painting.

Really, he is the ultimate Reveal/Conceal, isn't he? Completely revealed, yet completely concealed.

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